In the last 25 years, alumni relations have drastically declined as a national trend. To reverse this, we must reinvent alumni relationships and how we connect with them.
It is important to understand the life stage and mentality of different alumni, from recent grads, possibly still paying off debt, to long-standing alumni, further into their career.
This video overviews critical research showing what motivates and demotivates different alumni to donate. By taking on these tools, the opportunity to bring faculty, students, and alumni together is attainable.
Having a strong board for accountability is a key component for success and strategic planning. Learn how to build a board, manage and delegate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats with a team of like-minded individuals.
Through this training session, we unlock how to strategically choose your board members and lead them to share their expertise which will increase positive interactions.
Many supervisors looking to hire fundraisers say they are looking for someone with charisma. Yet, including testimony from fundraising supervisors successful fundraisers, shows curious, character and problem solving abilities are far more important. This webinar will
explore these characteristics in detail, demonstrate why they lead to greater fundraising successes, and how you can identify, nurture and empower all important traits.
Data and data models are one of the great advantages in fundraising today and for philanthropy-seeking organizations. Data allows us to work more intelligently and to use our precious time and resources more efficiently. The problem is, we're awash in data. Everybody has data. Which data is most important? Why? And if you're a small shop with a modest budget, what data do you most need?
Learn how to utilize different data sets and outcomes for determining influence and philanthropic passion in your own community, looking not for speculation, not for wealth, but for evidence of giving and engagement and caring about that topic.
With these kinds of data sets, we can help you retain your best donors and to know where your time is best spent in the short run, mid-run and long term.
Of all the constituents that we could steward and should steward, we want to pay attention to loyal donors irrespective of the amount that they've given.
If we see donors who've given to us for years fall away, they are deserving of great attention. Their probability of giving again is far greater than any new donor that we might imagine. Learn how to bring back donors and manage relationships according to the level of consecutive years of giving.
Learn the delicate phase of fundraising, with prospect engagement.
When you do not understand how to properly approach a donor, you are at high risk for immediately closing any opportunity to work together. Learn proven tools for avoiding donor fatigue, donor skepticism and leaving them with a feeling of sometimes being ambushed, or hustled, or besieged to give more, besieged to give more without really knowing why.